+ simple
+ performante
+ user friendly


The most cost effective solution to decarbonize

  • Save 15% on the heavy fuel oil bill
  • No energy costs: wind is free, inexhaustable and universal
  • Operating time: 300/360 degrees of wind direction usable, even by upwind navigation
  • Cost of ownership: the telescopic mast is standard on the market


The easiest solution to use

  • Retractable, the wing is (de)inflatable, the bridges are child’s play !
  • 100% transparent, it can be stored for operations in ports
  • 100% automated (no crew required for navigation)
  • Remote controllable from the ground (compatible with « drone boat » vision)
  • Retro-fittable on any vessel without structural modification (reduces stress)


The most advanced solution today

  • 100% reliable, it is impossible to seize an inflatable structure
  • 100% safe, it is impossible to drop the wing in the water
  • Low mechanical fatigue, the wing flies and never flakes, it is inflated to only 0.0015 bar which preserves the tissues. Michelin’s know-how in high-tech soft materials makes the wing resistant to UV rays, sea salt, and storms.
  • Existing and tested in navigation by Michel DESJOYEAUX and many others for more than 2 years in all wind conditions
  • Patented and « Sizeable »  (a symmetrical profile with a balanced thrust force on the mast which allows to make wings without size limitation: 500m²  à 1000m² !